Do a body scan

Borrow this pragmatic mindful exercise for your next tour: Momentarily bring your attention to your body. It can be helpful to move from head to toe. Notice if you're holding tension, stress or other sensations anywhere.

EDIT: if able / you want, express it

By giving this a try in the field you'll developing your own abilities while improving this resource for everyone.

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Do a body scan

How to do it

Borrow this pragmatic mindful exercise for your next tour: Momentarily bring your attention to your body. It can be helpful to move from head to toe. Notice if you're holding tension, stress or other sensations anywhere.

EDIT: if able / you want, express it

The why behind it

While this may seem esoteric to some, it can unlock a lot of self-awareness that helps you show up well on a team. If you are frustrated with your partner's pace or nervous about the slope ahead, as examples, you're likely to be doing something with your body even if you're not consciously aware of the feeling. It may be clenched teeth or butterflies in the stomach. A quick scan helps you become aware of what's going on. Now your conscious mind can decide if it's worth speaking up or taking another action. Practicing a few times a tour can help it become second nature. Over time you'll notice patterns in how tours and teammates elicit certain things in you.

Put it in your own words

While this is a personal exercise, you might think to yourself something like:

Each time we change aspects today I'll do a quick scan and gut check that I'm feeling great with the plan
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Next, try it and tell us how it goes
Give it a go on your next tour or ride. Even if you don't use it or like it please come back and share that feedback. It improves the toolkit for everyone.
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