New person recap
When you think you've got a good plan figured out for your team, have the new or least experienced person retell the plan. They should be able to describe where you're going, what the options are, when you'll be back, observations you'll be making etc.

New person recap
Have the most junior member of the team recap the plan, to see if everyone understands it.
This link used for overlayBy giving this a try in the field you'll developing your own abilities while improving this resource for everyone.
New person recap
How to do it
The why behind it
This came from friends in law enforcement, who want to make sure everyone on the team is crystal clear on what their plan is. It's not a test of the new person. Rather, it's an indicator of how well the more experienced people on the team have shared the plan with everyone. Everyone...even the newest person on the team, should be able to tell you what you're about to do.
Put it in your own words
Jimmy, we haven't skied together before, and I may not have been super clear. Can you repeat back what our plan is for the day?
Mary, you were pretty quiet while we were discussing the plan. Now that we're finalizing things, can you share back what our plan is? Where we're going? Where we're making decisions, etc?