Do it three times
Give yourself space to be a learner. Being a good teammate is no different than playing the violin or learning a language. These skills need practice, review, coaching.You should expect to practice new skills several times before they start to feel right.

By giving this a try in the field you'll developing your own abilities while improving this resource for everyone.
Do it three times
How to do it
The why behind it
When you pick something to work on, you shouldn't expect to be good at it just because you read the instructions or learned it in a class once. You need to practice, get feedback from your partners, and keep working at it. Like any other tool you hold for the first time, it will feel awkward. Don't give up on the skill just because it's awkward for you. You will get better at it!
Put it in your own words
I'm working on making my debriefs faster...can you let me know how today's debrief compares to our last one?
It still feels awkward to ask everyone's opinion about decisions when we're on top of the ridge....can you give me some slack while i'm trying to get better at it, and let me know how I'm doing?