The "1 to 5 check"
It's best to run this by the team while tour planning so it's fast when you're on the snow. Suggest you'd like to try rapid fire check-ins on the tour where everyone shares how they're feeling on a scale from 1 to 5. 5 is perfect and 1 is awful and wanting to go home. You can do this when you make a major direction change, during transitions, when taking a break, or just every once in a while. Of course, this is not a substitute for deeper check ins or sharing observations but it's a great compliment.

By giving this a try in the field you'll developing your own abilities while improving this resource for everyone.
The "1 to 5 check"
How to do it
The why behind it
This exercise lowers the bar so you can get a sense of where your team is at more often. It's surprisingly easy to hold onto an observation or thought for miles. Lots of tourers appreciate efficiency as they move and this lets you check in while keeping the party moving.
This gets really powerful because you can pick on changes. If someone throws out a new number, or hesitates to give one, it's an easy in to ask why. A number change also tend to be an easy moment to recall during a debrief.
Put it in your own words
Find the words that feel natural to you, but here's a couple ideas
I know we plan to check in at the saddle, but maybe on the way up we can share a quick 1-5 here and there and make sure we're all good.
We knew wind would pick up and here it is. How's everyone doing, 1-5?