Observe your partners too
How your partners say it, or how they are acting may be more important than what they say. And the more you know your partners, the better you'll be able to pick up on cues that are unusual for them.

Observe your partners too
Observing your partner(s) can be more important than looking at the snow
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Observe your partners too
How to do it
The why behind it
Partners are human, and humans don't always say what they're feeling. Be on the lookout for non-verbal cues, and off-nominal behavior. If your partner is always fast, and today they're slow...wonder why. If they are usually talkative and today they aren't...wonder why. If their "yes" isn't enthusiastic...wonder why. Maybe how they're acting is more telling than what they are saying.
Put it in your own words
Hey partner, you didn't really sound confident when you said that...do you really think so?
Every other time we go out, you're always leading the charge. Now you're in the back. Is everything OK today?